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Shopify Automated Collection Conditions Explained
Shopify automated collections use conditions to automatically include products that meet certain criteria. Here’s an explanation of how these conditions work:
What Are Automated Collections?
Automated collections in Shopify are groups of products that are automatically brought together based on conditions you set. Unlike manual collections where you add products individually, automated collections populate products based on data like product titles, tags, prices, and more.
Setting Up Conditions
When you create an automated collection, you’ll define one or more conditions to include products. These conditions can be based on:
- Product Title: Includes or excludes products based on words or phrases in the product title.
- Example: If you set a condition to include products with the title containing “Guides“, all products with “Guides” in their title will automatically be added to this collection.

- Product Type: Include products of a specific type or category. In the picture you can see that product which type are set to Snowboards will be added to Automated collection
- Example: A collection with a condition for the product type “Snowboards” will include all products classified under this type.

- Product Vendor: You can include products from certain manufacturers or brands.
- Example: Creating a condition for the vendor “AppMasterGuides” will automatically include all products from AppMasterGuides in that collection.

- Product Price: Include products within a certain price range.
- Example: You can set various price ranges for automated collection to be filled with products like in the picture, products that costs more than 5$ but less than 10$ will be added to collection.

- Product Tag: Uses product tags (keywords) for including products in a collection.
- Example: If you tag some products as “Snowboard”, setting a condition for the tag “Snowboard” will include these products in the collection.

- Compare at Price: Include products based on their sale price compared to their original price.
- Example: A collection condition set to include products with a compare at price greater than $100 will include items that were originally priced over $100 but may now be on sale.

- Weight: Include products based on their weight.
- Example: You can create a collection for lightweight items by setting a condition for products weighing less than 1kg.

- Inventory Stock: Include products based on available inventory.
- Example: A condition set to include products with an inventory greater than 50 will only show products that have more than 50 pieces available.
- TIP: Here you can make inventory stock is greater than 0, and products that are sold out will not show up in your collection.

- Variant’s Title: Include products based on the variant’s title.
- Example: If a product comes in multiple colors, a condition with the variant’s title containing “Blue” will include only the blue variants of products.

Condition Logic
You can set the conditions to either ‘All conditions’ or ‘Any condition’:
- All conditions: Products must meet all the criteria youโve set to be included in the collection.
- Any condition: Products only need to meet one of the criteria to be included.

Best Practices for Automated Collections
- Specificity: Be as specific as possible with your conditions to ensure only the desired products are included.
- Tags: Use tags wiselyโthey can be a powerful way to manage which products get included.
- Review: Regularly review your collections and conditions to ensure they still align with your inventory and marketing strategies.
Automated collections are dynamic and will update as your product information changes. This means if a new product is added that meets the conditions of an automated collection, it will automatically be included in that collection. Similarly, if a product no longer meets the conditions, it will be removed. This feature is particularly useful for stores with large inventories and can save a considerable amount of time.
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